Its been two years since we met up with each other.
I recalled the last time we met at Cartel in PS.
Last nite, we met up again this time at my orange house.
To me, they were the same like they were in sec 3 and 4 even they are now men...
Boys will still be boys.
JX, the bengish good lookin one with a quiet demeanour, he looked like a ah beng but speaks with a gentle voice, almost like a little lamb :D I alwis tink that he is trying to hide the loud voice, boisterous body language, hot temper from us.
He was the first boy to arrive and was upset that he just scratched his mitsubishi....watever..expensive sporty car at a multi-storey carpark, I tink.
TG and JL arrived shortly.
TG, the joker, the ah beng wannabe. He is the life of every party, gathering, and he was too, last nite. Well, besides bringing yusheng to the gathering, he brought laughter and fun too. And he gave me a bottle of red wine which was very strange for a 'beer-boozer-lookalike' him.
JL, the quiet one. I find that he talk more when not in a group, but one to one. Maybe I m wrong, I alwis tink that he is bullied by TG...maybe I m right? He was the first to leave as he has to fetch his gf, how sweet...
mr Dinosaur was the next to arrive and he brought me a bottle of red wine which was very logical since he was a wine connoisseur wannabe. He denied he had a gf but I figured he should have a real big close target which is about to hurl into his net. I see him more often than the rest, so I shall not say too much abt him, ha!
SW was the fifth to arrive and he was dressed in his office attire. Like before, he looked a bit blur and even forget to give me his oranges. Maybe he thought my parents would be around? and the oranges were meant for my parents? at least he was not the only who thought that he could meet my parents! haha! Heard from someone he has romed and he was one of the fastest in this group to get hitched!
YW came next. He looked a little boy like before but he looked fitter. He is also a quiet one but SP alwis tell me that he is actuali very sociable and frenly...mabbe I m too boisterous and loud and tink that only pple who speaks softer than me are quiet types? He has become a avid photographer. I have seen the photos he took and I really thought that the photos were great!
DQ was the seventh to arrive. He was the one with the tiniest eyes. I wonder if teacher ever accuse him of sleeping as his eyes were really small. Anyway, I alwis like guys with small eyes..they looked cute and cool at the same time..that's why I love TL and's cute and one's cool :D
LW was next to arrive and he looked as suave and well groomed as before. He was the arrogant and hao lian one and I did not speak to him much then. Now I find him a bit silly. No longer the arrogant guy but the silly joker. Kept insisting he dun ve a gf, mabbe true coz I tink he like guys....haha...
The last one whom by has been waiting for...ok lah, she not waiting for him lah. I rem the times we teased her relentlessly abt him and her....
ZL came last and cracked the greatest joke of the day by asking me where are my parents?!?!
He had expected to see my parents, so funny. I tink not only him but most of them tot that they will see my parents :D Too bad! no hongbao! nei nei bu bu...
Besides the boys, of coz, my favourite girls; ms Ah Lian, ms Clumzcat and ms Beyond are there too. Not forgetting our two 'male-maids', mr Fat and mr LPXX.
We had a great time reminiscing the past and bitching about the teachers :)
No doubt, everyone will be looking to another gathering soon!
If I were to organise the next gathering, it would be at my wedding in june! Ha!
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I watched Director Chai Yee-Wei’s latest film, Wonderland, very early on,
alone in his company’s mixing studio. By the end of the film, I sat there
in the ...
6 months ago
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