Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Wedding jitters - the invite

I tink we got not much time. (what's wrong with this sentence? It sounded so right when u say it. But when u type it out, it looked so wrong...)


I tink we've got not much time (that's better)

Went to the wedding invite cards printing firm recently with mr FAT.

Thought that we could select the cards immediately.

Alas, I knew it, we could not.

There were many pretty choices but we are looking for the one with the X-factor.

We toyed with the idea of printing our ugly mugs onto the cards.

Maybe its a good idea since we are getting back our photos soon.

We were excited but....

It would cost more than twice as much to print our mugs on the cards...Life is not as perfect as we all know...

To pay more for the eXtraordinary factor? Or to stick with the safe, traditional card and pay less?

The thing is we do not know if having our wedding photo on the cards look a bit passe....both of us are not artistic, for goodness' sake! Is it worth the while then?

I ve got up till 15 Mar to decide since my wedding album will be out then....

If I have my way, I would send the wedding invite via email and sms...But hor, come to tink of it, it is more sincere to send a card...

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