How did it go?
Some would ask me...
Things went as well as what I had planned. In fact, I was pretty forgiving on myself and felt relaxed on the actual day. I guess I was too obsessed of how the thick make up make my face look fatter or how the big fat gown made me look bigger....
On the day before my wedding
I made sure I did not sleep on that day so that I would be so tired that I would ZZZ soundly at nite. Made myself busy by running errands...Went to the dentist to cleanse my teeth and went to Nail Xpert at Suntec to do pedi and mani.
Was pleasantly surprised that I still had one more session from my package and did not need to pay for treatment. I did, however, pay for nail art. I did not quite like the final touch when the manicurist glued crystals on my nails to make them glitter. Felt uncomfortable with something sticking out from the surface of my nails...
sidestory : I saw Shaoliang (yec) at kushibu jap restaurant but as I was waiting for my nails to dry, thus did not call out to him....I ve not told him, but i'm sure he is reading this now...
Went to Watsons to get some emergency makeup items for the big day and even helped my sis buy a box of acrylic paints for her art class.
Got mr Fat to buy me flowers for decoration on my hair but as I could not meet him (its' a custom!), mr LPXX brought the flowers to my home instead of him.
The evening/ nite before my big day, my whole family started cleaning up the house...I was still poring over my guestlist and my duties list....
Then I cried.
I cried when I did not get to sleep at 9.30pm as my dad was still bothering me about the guestlist and I was still helping my mum on some chores. My family got worried and hushed me to sleep while they quietly (trying not to disturb me) finished up watever I was doing.
I slept soundly after a comforting call from mr FAT.
I felt blessed :)
The red letter day
I woke up at 5.30am in the morning to bathe and get ready for the makeup artist. She arrived early and I did not get the chance to have my breakfast. The two photographers Andrew and Raymond arrived with Deb.
(Deb is one of my 'sisters' and Raymond is her hubby. My wedding was their first assignment on their portfolio and they did not charge me a single cent. Of coz, we gave them each a hongbao for their hardwork. They are pretty good photographers! Even included a photo video presentation of day photos for my dinner! Their company name is Absolute Resolution)
The 'sisters' started arriving; ms Beyong, ms ah Lian, ms complain queen, ms pooh bear. Before they arrived, I practically dragged my sis and bro out of their beds to get ready for my frens.
Breakfast was offered but we gals were only interested in taking photos. Time files and I hopped into my wedding dress at about 8.30am.
We took more photos, this time with my family as well. My dad and mum put the veil over my face when mr FAT called my bro to say that he has arrived.
My bro was given a list prepared by the 'sisters' to be given to mr FAT. The next moment, I heard mr FAT's loud voice from my room's window, proclaiming that he love me.
The 'sisters' came into my room and asked if he was loud enough, I said 'yes'. He was allowed to advance to 9th floor.
Meanwhile in my room, A was taking some photoshots of me with my veil on.
Then I heard some rowdy noises from my corridor. mr Fat and his 'brothers' are here!!
There were shouting, laughing and I could not make out what they were doing or playing outside. I could hear him singing out of tune, calling out to me.
He made it through the barrage of girls and reached my room.
He jumped with joy when he opened the door and saw me. His face was glistening with beads of perspiration and he was soaking wet under his jacket and shirt.
I felt blessed.
The wedding banquet
We reached the hotel at about 3pm with my bro, sis, mr LPXX, ms beyong and mr Singtel. I changed out of the KUA and bathed.
Took a tiny nap while mr FAT wrote his speech for the dinner.
My parents arrived shortly and my makeup artist arrived after them.
Some of my relatives came to my suite to wait for my dinner to begin. My grandmum was brought to my suite to wait too.
mr Fat, my bro, the 'brothers' and the 'sisters' went down to the reception to standby while both my mum and mr FAT's mum waited for the makeup artist to 'make' them up :)
Soon, it was time for my relatives and both our families to go to the reception to welcome all the guests. I was alone then with my makeup artist.
Soon, she left too. But not too long I waited, Deb and A came up to my suite to accompany me and take some photos of me.
Called mr FAT a couple of times to ask about the situation at the reception, he told me not to worry and be a 'vase' (his meaning ; not to worry/ think of anything except to look pretty and happy).
I felt blessed.
After dinner
"You have done a great job." I told him.
"I felt blessed" I thought to myself.
See What Show: Wonderland
I watched Director Chai Yee-Wei’s latest film, Wonderland, very early on,
alone in his company’s mixing studio. By the end of the film, I sat there
in the ...
6 months ago
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