Thursday, October 5, 2006

'Uniquely' me

Everyone is unique in his / her own way.

Don't everyone have their own unique, 'weird' habits / secrets?

I m 'unique'.....

1. I wear my watch on my right wrist, even though I m not a leftie. I even taught my bro and sis (when they were still impressionable tiny tots) to wear theirs on their right wrists when they write on their right. Now, they are freaks like me!

2. I have to have a bottle of water next to my bed before I sleep. I may not even drink it during the whole nite but it must be freshly refilled every nite.

3. I use different towels for drying my body and my hair/face. I wonder why our drying towels stink and we need to wash them when they are only used to dry our clean, freshly-bathed bodies.

4. I m allegic to colgate and darlin toothpaste. Clinolym is the only toothpaste I can use.

5. I can't sleep with the radio/ music on. Snoring too, of coz.

6. I love to munch on green peas and tapioca chips. Whenever I have the urge, I wld buy a bag of these and munch it all up in one sitting. Of coz, the next day I wld normally have to nurse a sore throat.

7. I.don't.wear.earrings.and.never.will. I still have the 2 pairs of diamond earrings given to me on my bdae years ago. Obviously by guy frens who did not notice my ears during our years of frenship.

8. I have one tiny strand of hair growing from my chin which I would pluck every now and then. Stop giggling, it's not a beard, like what I have said, it's one strand of hair.

9. I like the number 9. That's why I ended my list at the no.9

I m uniquely 'me', what about you?
Dun shy, tell me lah...

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