The arowanas displayed were of top breed...violet fusion red...crossback..chili red...watever...
I was amazed by the brilliant colourful scales on the fishes..the scales looked was so brilliant that it looked so looked like someone used orange/ red luminuous paint on the fishes...
And the fishes were huge...
The owners must be really proud to showcase their fishes. Hubbie hoped that one day he could be like them. (not the fishes, he wans to be like the owners!)
His 'precious' would never make it to the competition because its just a low grade RTG (red tail golden)...unless he trade in for a 1st grade fish....( I dun tink I will allow him to do that...we are talking about thousands of dollars here!)
1st prize in Red (Adult), also the Grand Champion
1st prize in crossback (adult)
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