As we left for BKK (I only take a few photos)
See SP's blog for more photos...
I' m back!
Safe and sound!
And....3 Kg lighter! ( I m making some progress in my new yr resolution of losing 8 kg!)
Of coz, I m not talking about the weight of my luggage..
All becoz of the plate of chicken rice I ate the day before we left for BKK....
Till now, I m not sure what was wrong with my stomach...stomach flu? or food poisoning?
Before boarding at budget terminal
Anyway, I set off to BKK with an upset stomach and throughout the trip, I suffered severe diarrhoea*..
*the urgent and almost immediate need to go to the ladies almost every few hours.
Lucky for me, we spent the bulk of our shopping time in air-con shopping malls. And the two gals were very kind and accommodating..they did not eat much good food during their trip just to accompany me on my rice-porridge-sandwich-milo diet.
I was weak most of the time, and as I drank more water, more frequent I would make trips to the loo...
While waiting to be checked in at Ambassador Hotel
But I had fun anyway :D
And I m sure the gals did too!
It was funny how we 'tortured' ourselves by lugging heavy shopping bags and walking at least 10 km within the shopping malls.
It was funny how we had instant porridge, noodles and sandwiches for one of our dinners at the hotel cafe. We were too tired to find food and given my condition, we could only consume those stuff.
It was funny how we had our own 'fashion show' in the room, trying out the clothes bought. (there were no trying in the wholesale platinum shopping mall)
It was funny how we 'sell' our clothes to each other when we found that we could wear them.
It was funny how 3 of us tried our best to find things to buy from the same shops to get the wholesale discount (we need to buy 3 or more to get the cheaper wholesale price)
It was funny how we managed to squeeze all our stuff in the luggage and managed to check them in even though we exceeded the weight limit by 3.3kg.
It was funny how we even managed to shop and buy something on the last day even though we had less than 200 baht per person.
It was funny that our best meal in BKK was at the airport's Mango Tree Restaurant, using the spare cash from our VAT refund.
It was funny I recovered from my upset stomach only on the last day of the trip and with not much baht left.
Back in S'pore - tired but happy :)
Sidetrack: I just received BBDC cheque for refund of my account balance. I m pleased to see that I only spent about $2,375 for the entire process of obtaining a licence. (from theory test to fixing of car to the paying of the coverted licence) ;D $ well spent!