We had a 'ABCDE' gathering at deb's hse. Deb was really sweet to invite us to her hse for pizzas and this was a gathering before Cyn flys off to Australia on 2 Feb.
Why 'ABCDE'? I dun think any of us would be able to recall who came up with the name, except that we all remembered that it was during our sec one class' english role play sessions that we five gals formed a group and called ourselves the 'ABCDE' group.
How unimaginative it may sound....but it was made up of the first letter of each of our names!
Recall S.H.E?
We were the A.B.C.D.E before S.H.E gals came along...hahaha ;)
As you can see Biyun is the odd one out with chinese name, so I alwis remind her to call herself 'Betty' or even 'Baboo' if she ever wan to get an english name one day...
Anyway, here are the photos....
Ok, I admit, I m the fattest amongst them...I have alwis been.. ;P
but the 2nd pic COVERS u well :P