I need to start updating my blog...why is it so hard? tsk tsk... :(
Anyway, the below note was posted in my facebook, I thought it would be good that I put it up here too for the records...
Dear Xuan Xuan and Wei Wei
You two are going to be one year old soon...How time files. Mummy can't find any better words to describe the pure joy to see how you two grow day by day from scrawny little babies to active toddlers.
Mummy and Daddy remember the surprise and excitement when Doc says she saw two blinking heartbeats during the scan. And how both mummy's and daddy's families were excited about having you two too. To us, you two are like gifts that we might have daydreamed of but never thought that we would have in our hands. You two are that precious and special to us.
I also remember the tough and worrying times when I was pregnant with you gals. I had to go through a lot of scans and tests to make sure that both of you are growing well in me. Especially Wei wei, you are always growing at a slower rate than Xuan xuan.
I remember how both of you moved inside me and I am always trying to figure out which of you moved and how are you two positioned in my tummy.
I remember my very 1st (and only, I hope) surgery experience to bring you two out of my tummy. I was so frightened and shaken during the whole surgery. I remembered shivering and crying uncontrollably after I saw you two gals for the 1st time.
It was an unforgettable life experience for me.
Despite the goo and blood, you two were lovely. And Wei wei, you were very tiny then and looked like an angmoh baby (somehow premature tiny babies looked angmoh-ish, I wonder why). I was really relieved that you two turned out healthy and even scored high marks in the Apgar test. I was relieved that both of you need not be placed in the neonatal unit and were able to take to milk bottles pretty fast.
It's a pity I could not breastfeed you gals but I won't feel bad coz I tried my best and I know I have given you the best I could.
Xuan xuan,
You have been a 'easy' baby. You sleep well, drink well and grow well. And you have grown so pretty with your big, sparkling, doey eyes and you have no idea how proud Mummy is whenever I get compliments about your pretty looks.'Look, this baby is very pretty" "Her eyes are so pretty and big" "She will grow up to be a very pretty gal" "She got a sweet smile and pretty eyes" "Her hair is so lush and dark" "She looks like those poster babies" "She can be on commercials"
Your eyes sparkles with joy whenever you see me and glisten with tears whenever I leave you with granny. You are very cuddly and hugable just like your daddy. Whenever people ask whom do you resemble more, I would feel really proud to tell them that you look like me :) No doubt, like your mummy (haha!) you will grow up to memerising boys with your big, sparkling eyes and your lush, black hair.
You love to babble, mostly in baby language and love to start verbal war with Wei wei by ranting 'AHHHHHH' as long as you can. I think you would start talking first. And you are getting closer to say the word, 'Banana'.
You are the pretty one in the family and I am sure you would be the centre of attention wherever you go.
Wei wei,
You are the youngest and the smallest in the family (sometimes you catch up with Xuan on size if she fall sick)). You were only 1.9kg when you were born. I remember how hard it was to feed you as you regurgitate milk everytime after we fed you. And how milk seems to 'leak' from both sides of your mouth. You don't like sleeping too. You sleep very little for a baby.
But man, you are a real fighter and a fast learner. You are catching up with your bigger sis, Xuan xuan in size. You learnt to lift your head, sit up, crawl, hold and stand first. Now you could hold and walk and I believe you will be walking and running before Xuan xuan. You still do not sleep long as you spend most of your time exploring and exercising.
You are an adventurer. Go ahead and dream big, gal. You are destined for big things. (like what your daddy love to say, "I like big things")
You are a pretty girl too, your eyes are big and there is a cheeky glint in them. Your hair is brown and fine unlike Xuan xuan. I feel the most appreciated whenever I am with you coz I can sense that you are always looking around for me even when you are in the midst of playing your toys. I love it when you would always lunge towards me for hugs and kisses.
My two little twin stars,
I am really happy that I m ranked number '1' in the eyes of both of you. Everyone, including granny and ah-ma or even daddy cannot replace my position in your hearts. When I m around, you two refuse to settle for the second-best and only want me to carry and I ve to 'struggle' to carry two of you at the same time.
Although we have no choice but to separate you two at both grannies' homes over the weekdays, mummy and daddy believe that this arrangement was the best for both of you and we are very sure that you two would be well-loved and well-taken care of by both grannies. Every weekend, I look forward to seeing how you two giggle and smile when you two reunite.
I simply love the moments when you two wake up together with us in the mornings. You gals smile and giggle like it was the happiest time of the entire day.Mummy has not been taking much photos of you two pretty princesses and I resolve to take more photos of you two this new year.
Looking forward to your 1st birthday, gals :D
Lots of love,Mummy
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