I must have told no fewer than 10 persons about his bdae surprise for me this year.
hmm..lemme recap wat he has given me on my bdaes during these 6 years (yah, we known each other for six years! And we dated for 5 yrs b4 tying the knot...it doesn't feel long to both of us..)
(some presents may be for christmas or vdae...really, I can't rem which is for each...simply too many..)
- a ring for my pinkie
- watches
- perfume
- necklaces, pendants
- homecooked dinner
- tulips
- cakes : durian / yam
- handphone battery (I was carrying a heavy N3310 then. Appreciated the lightweight lithium batt.
- handphones
I was feeling moody and upset when I came home on 19 Sept, seeing the smelly pile of clothes still sitting there, waiting for me to wash them.
I thought he would have taken the initiative to wash them as a present for me.
I did not expect him to give me a gift but I expected that he would do something special and surprise me.
I started the 'you-were-not-like-this-before-we-were-married' mode. This went on till I went to bed, still fuming over his 'not-affected-still-joking' reaction on my outburst.
I did not suspect a thing coz I was fuming....
Then his hp alarm went off at 12am. We were not asleep yet. He wished me happy bdae in the darkness, then passed me something in his hands.
I got excited and started to 'feel' what the gift was.
"It's a handphone battery!" he gushed excitedly.
I could not believe him but my hands were indeed groping a battery.
"Huh, why battery? I dun need one wah....I got one charger at home, and one in office..."
"You were not like that before we were married! You were happy when I bought you a hp battery!" mr Fat cried in mock sadness.
I 'resigned' myself to fate and thanked him for the battery, smiling weakly at the same time and went back to sleep.
"Come, wake up lah, let's check if the battery fits.." he switched on the bedside lamp and nudged me to sit up.
"No need bah...need meh? Sure fit one lah..." I grumbled, tinking how absurb he can be, while controlling my temper. He was sweet enough to get me a gift.
Then out of nowhere, he pulled out a box and passed it to my hands.
It's a video cameracorder!
I was speechless.
Oh my gawd! The 'hp battery' was actually the cam's spare battery. What a relief!
I was very surprised he was willing to buy such expensive gift for me. mr Fat is well-known for his tight purse strings.
Although the cam was not really ex. and branded type, its sanyo (ok, dun scream at me) but nevertheless his efforts got an A* from me :)
Turned out that he has been researching for this purchase a few weeks on his own, often after his work. I did not even realise it! My colleagues say I m too blur and too dumb to realise anything ;P
He even got me a mini durian cake!
After the surprises, the oohs and haas, I felt stupid suddenly.
I must have looked and sounded like a spoilt child demanding for my bdae gift earlier on. And he, knowing that I would be pacified by his surprise gift, chose to wait and see me sulking till my bdae. It must have been very funny to him!
Anyway, I loved the gift and I washed the pile of clothes very willingly on my bdae.
To thank him for the gift, I gave him a treat at his fav jap buffet restaurant and went to watch "The Banquet" with him.
Epic movie, grand and magnificent movie set. Storyline a bit boring but loved the costumes and you can tell that it's not cheap to produce this movie...so it's worth the ticket price!
Now it's time for me to mull over what to get him for his bdae....I dun tink I can keep surprises....mabbe I would ask him what he wants...hmmm...
That was really sweet of your husband.
ReplyDeleteI really think it's the little things that count.
You're really lucky
Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteI dunno who you are...but if you have not found the one, marry someone whom you can't live without ;)
Well, i always felt you are one very fortunate woman who have found such a sweet husband. His ideas never seem to run out and surprises for you did not stop even after marriage.