I m glad that we spent a meaningful sunday at Ren Ci Medicare Centre at Buangkok. The Medicare Centre takes care of the chronically ill and stroke patients. The patients admitted there are either from low income families or they do not have a family at all.
I m glad that my colleague, Ms Cactus, my brother and his big group of frens joined us in this visit.
We brought freshly made soya bean drink, pandan cakes, grapes, biscuits and handmade windmills to the patients.
Most of us were surprised by the turnout of volunteers and I m glad that they did not mind braving the haze, travelling to the hospital on mr FAT's 'open-top' lorry. The spirit of volunteerism!
Christine, our Chairman, taught all of us how to do a balloon sculpture of a dog. We had fun doing the balloon dogs which were also given to the patients.
My brother brought along his guitar and the whole group of us practised some songs while making the balloon dogs. It was like in school days!
When we got everything ready, we started visiting the wards, stopping at every ward to sing songs, creating a happy mood in the quiet, solemn wards. We also prepared and distributed the goodies, food and drinks to the patients. It was heartwrenching to see the patients struggling to put the food in their mouths.
We do not know if the patients were happy to see us, but all of us were glad that we were able to do these little things for them.
Thanks to Christine for initiating this visit and teaching us how to 'sculpt' balloon dogs, kudos! to our YEC members, Miona (Ren Ci staff) and of course, all our friends cum volunteers :)
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