Friday, December 22, 2006

All I want for Christmas...

....Is to celebrate christmas with my favourite colleagues aka slogmates... 22/12/06
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....Is to celebrate christmas with my YEC frens... 23/12/06
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....Is to celebrate christmas with my chummy buddies... 24/12/06
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....Is to celebrate christmas with my lil' sis... 24/12/06
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....Is to celebrate christmas with him......
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Packed Saturday

Last Saturday was a packed one. It was my working saturday and I met up with hubbie for lunch at Mahattan Fish Market at P.S after work. I did some christmas shopping while he spent his time at the games arcade.
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Before marriage = Shopping together...........

After marriage = You do your stuff, I do mine. I meet you 1 hour lata at this place. If you decided to meet up earlier, give me a call.

Well, not that I m upset about the current arrangement though, in fact I m glad that he's not around to control my spending. You know, it's very tough to shop-splurge with a guy, especially with one who alwis update his bank book ;p

We had the seafood platter for two and a mudpie for dessert. (I thought they lost their legal suit with Fish & Co.? How come they are still serving the food in pans?)

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We went to the temple at Paya Lebar to pray and thank 'Tai Shui'. It's a must to do so before 22 Dec, my mum tells us.

The temple has these zodiac predictions for the year 2007 and we were more interested in the predictions of the goat and the snake.

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We then headed back home to wash up before attending baby ryan's 1- month celebration.

Congrats to Darren and Calista on the birth of their adorable baby boy :)
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

To my baby sis

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I remembered how excited I was when my mum was expecting my sis.

I thought she is going to be a goat like me but she came to the world a bit early and became a horsie ;)

She was very cute when she was a baby. Bambi eyes, big head, small body...

I loved carrying her around and showing her off when we go shopping.

"You see, soooo cute....!" salesgirls would gushed at her.

That was when I began to think that my bro was not cute at all.

I remembered fondly the time when my bro and I were attending our NPCC camp and we were not at home for 4 days. The moment we reached home and called for her, she ran out of the bedroom and started to cry when she saw us. She then hugged the both of us tightly. She missed us so much, my mum told us :)

Unlike my brother and myself, she loves animals especially dogs. Amongst the pets she had, were chicks, hamsters and fishes.

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Although there is a 11 years' age gap and a irritating brother between us, I know she would be there for me when I need her. A lot of times, she may not understand my problems, she would ask me not to be sad and try to make me feel more comfortable in her own way.

Even though I have moved out, she still call me every night without fail to say goodnite ;)

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She is still lil' girl but this lil' girl would one day grow up.

I hope I could be there for her when she first fall in love, when she gets her uni degree, when she gets married and have kids.

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Happy Sweet Sixteen, Ah Girl!
生日快乐 :)

From: your Cheh

Monday, December 18, 2006

Gastronomic Delights at Pu-Tien

My dad's is a Hing Wah and that makes me a Hing Wah too :)
(Hing Wah is a province in Fujian, China)

I tink I discovered the best Hing Wah cuisine at Pu-Tien along Kitchener Road. I have been to the restaurant twice and I can;t wait to go back there again. This time, probably with my family :)

Here are some peekture taken by Cactus.....

Frozen bittergourd and Steamed sliced pork belly
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Stewed Pig's intestines
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Herbal Prawns in Bamboo
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Stewed Pork in homecooked style
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Hing Wah Mee Sua
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Silken Beancurd with vegetables
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Vege with eggs (for those who love century eggs, salted eggs and garlic)
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Deep fried Pork Knuckles
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Now for my favourite dishes......

Hing Wah Bee Hoon (melts in your month, must-try! 3rd fav)
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Honey coated fried yam cubes (for sweet tooth, must-try! 2nd fav)
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Curry flavoured pork floss with crispy brinjal (my No.1 fav! must-try for all even non-brinjal lovers)
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Friday, December 15, 2006

Wake me up before you go-go

Happened to come across the above song.

Brought back many fond memories of my uni days. Especially those of my Bizad faculty orientation camp.

When I began my freshman year in NUS, it was the most trying period of my life. For those who know me long enough would know why...

Anyway, sad things aside, I enjoyed the orientation camp held at sentosa and I remembered my orientation group won the "Best Cheer" and "Best Dance" award :)

I was the OGL aka orientation group leader and my group was blessed with a former Safra dancer and a former RI student leader. That was how the innovative cheers and coordinated dance steps came about.

We had our finale boogie nite at Chaplin's at holland village; it was the 1st pub I 'chionged'! (no more chaplin's now; closed down a couple of years ago).

We were taught to dance in pairs to this song. Numerous practice sessions were done at our sentosa campsite to make sure we got the dance steps and fingers 'clicking' right.

The bollywood effect of getting all people in the pub doing the same dance moves at the same time was hilarious and fun. It was so 'ah-beng-lian'! ;D

Enjoy the retro song and see george michael in his heydays!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

His-tory making

Whenever I can't sleep at nite, I would ask hubbie to tell me a bedtime story.

He would sometimes relate to me his laugh-out-loud childhood stories or his laugh-till-i-cry army stories.

Last nite, he ran out of stories to tell and asked me,

"Ok, I m going to give you boring history tonite. Which era or which century you want my story to be based on?"

I thought for a moment and said, "The earliest era you can recall."

"googakeetoofoofuu..." he started babbling in non-identifiable language.

"What's that?!" I asked.

"Caveman stories" he explained, trying to be funny.

I did not think it was funny and poked him for another story in a later era.

"Ok, I will tell you a story from the 18th century" he went on.

"In the 18th century, William Farquhar was the president of the Temasek Island. He sell his shares in Temasek Holdings to Thaksin...."


Lucky, not 'suay'

Ever had those days that everything seems to go wrong?

Me and cactus were shrouded with 'suayness' since tuesday.

I shall not go into details since it was narrated in cactus' blog.

We were glad that amidst the suayness, there were little blessings that we two may have failed to notice earlier during our moments of anger.

- It was lucky that our colleague, Kitty was going to CGH as well to visit her sis-in-law and she gave us a ride to the hospital.

- It was lucky that we did not buy tonics and fruit basket as we felt that danny might not be able to consume them because of his condition.

- It was lucky that the patient occupying danny's bed was wheeled in after a short while. We might be waiting till after visiting hours as we thought that he was in the examination room.

- It was lucky that we had the fishhead steamboat for dinner instead of the sinful cuttlefish kangkong and chay kway teow. It was definitely a healthier choice.

- It was lucky that hubbie managed to avoid the accident in the ECP in time.

- It was lucky the bird poo did not drop onto us but only on our food

We are lucky not suay!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Dragonboating & Pizzas

It was my second try at dragon boating :)

It was fun and different this time round with more games and smaller groups.

I may sound mean but it was really funny to see the faces of those sitting behind me drenched with water from my paddle :D So sorry, cactus and huiling... haha..I can't help it! ;P

We 'rolled' and 'drew' in the sand, 'dived' and 'folicked' in the river. We had friendly races and stuffed ourselves with pizzas from Pizza de France (simply adore their sunshine fantasy pizza!)

Read more about the yec event below:
ugotmail - YEC Dragonboat

Friday, December 8, 2006

Brilliant Arowanas

Last weekend, hubbie 'dragged' me to Qianhu fish farm for the Arowana Championship 2007 exhibition....

The arowanas displayed were of top breed...violet fusion red...crossback..chili red...watever...

I was amazed by the brilliant colourful scales on the fishes..the scales looked was so brilliant that it looked so looked like someone used orange/ red luminuous paint on the fishes...

And the fishes were huge...

The owners must be really proud to showcase their fishes. Hubbie hoped that one day he could be like them. (not the fishes, he wans to be like the owners!)

His 'precious' would never make it to the competition because its just a low grade RTG (red tail golden)...unless he trade in for a 1st grade fish....( I dun tink I will allow him to do that...we are talking about thousands of dollars here!)

1st prize in Red (Adult), also the Grand Champion

1st prize in crossback (adult)

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Inseparable to the end

I saw this article from someone's blog...thought it would be meaningful to share.....

Fri, December 1, 2006
Dorothy and Glen Baker, their hands clasped, died within hours of each other.

When Dorothy Baker died in St. Thomas hospital last week, her husband Glen let go of her hand and followed a familiar pattern that wove through their life together.

Anywhere she went, he followed.

It started the night they met in 1946 at a legendary Port Stanley dance hall, Glen persistently chasing Dorothy down until she agreed to dance.

She booked trips around the globe throughout their marriage, and he gladly went, too.

When he retired, he followed his beloved around the house, reluctantly going out without her.

So it was fitting, their daughter says, that when Dorothy -- who'd long battled a lung affliction -- died in the hospital's palliative unit last Friday, her ill husband lying beside her also died just two hours later.

"As soon as their hands were unclasped, they (the nurses) could start to see my dad fail," Lynn Baker said yesterday.

"They were so devoted, and they loved each other so much, that death didn't part them."

Or, as a doctor overseeing their care said: "It's much more explained by his desire to be with her than by anything I can explain to you medically."

After sparking a romance at the Stork Club, the couple married on June 14, 1947.

They settled in St. Thomas, his home town, to raise Lynn, their only child. Dorothy worked a variety of office jobs while Glen spent about 30 years selling furniture at Eaton's in downtown London.

They lived in the same Churchill Crescent home for 53 years, only moving out in October.
They were, as their daughter puts it, "a kind, little gentle couple who led this simple life in St. Thomas."

Dorothy, 88, was admitted to the palliative unit Nov. 5. Glen, 82, was in and out of hospital two days later but re-admitted permanently with various ailments Nov. 14.

Last Friday, with an unconscious Dorothy's health faltering badly, and Glen also weakening, hospital staff wheeled him into her room and pushed their beds together.

He held her hand for hours before slipping out of consciousness himself.

Dorothy died at her husband's side at 7 p.m.

Their hands were unclasped about two hours later as her body was taken away. That's when Glen's condition unexpectedly worsened.

Within 30 minutes, he, too, died peacefully.

For the hospital staff -- whose compassion was lauded by the family -- it was an overwhelming experience.

"It touched everyone," said Dr. Sharon Baker, who is not related. "The love that they shared . . . it's why we come to work every day."

Fittingly, Glen and Dorothy will be buried together side by side in St. Thomas tomorrow, a love story without end.

"Everybody says he just wanted to be with Dorothy, no matter what," Lynn Baker said. "They had a true, pure love for each other."

"How can you be sad when you know that they're together forever?"

Dorothy and Glen Baker pose for a photo on their honeymoon in 1947.

StanChart Run


shucks...I could have done better...

I started walking when I reached 3 km and from there on, it was run walk, run walk...

anyway, I tot I did pretty well for my 1st standard chartered 10km run :)

I will aim to complete the run under 1hr next year ;) a little ambitious...tsk tsk..

Poor hubbie completed the run slightly after me...

nevertheless I m very proud of him completing the run despite his painful toes... :)

See my result here

See his result here

I thought the run was very well organised :)

There were plenty of water points along the route and in an orderly manner, runners after crossing the finish line were guided to the huge tentages where they were given medals, bananas and drinks.

Hubbie related to me how he tried suppress a smile on his face as he ran his last 1km to the finish line. You will smile if you are cheered on by tons of spectators :) It was as if you are running a full marathon representing singapore. haha!

It's worthwhile to take part in the run, test your limits, endurance, do ur part for charity and of coz, once in a while, enjoy being cheered on by people!

Monday, December 4, 2006


Went back to mum's home last sat...

My lil' sis suddenly thought of showing me something dad and mum brought from M'sia last week. They were there to attend a cousin's wedding.

They brought back 'lizards'. Not the real ones lah, those rubber-like toy 'lizards' which would 'grow' when you submerge them in water.

Apparently my dad and mum thought that this was an interesting toy and bought several pieces of it since it was cheap.

The packaging says it can grow to 600% of its existing size after you submerge it in water for 72 hours.

"Yah, nothing special wah. I have seen such toys in the shape of dinosaurs, other animals before." I thought to myself and shooed my sis away.

"....I put it it the water for a few days liao...I will show you how it looked now..." my sis said excitedly and she ran to the bathroom...

Then she came back with this....


was my first response.

"...I was surprised by the size too! Come, touch's not slimy, it feels like the real thing...." my sis continued.

I was totally grossed out but was truly amazed by the sheer size of the lizard....

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Dragonboating and Amazing race

Our YEC has two major events coming up...

10th Dec 2006 (Sun) - Kg Chai Chee YEC Dragon Boat Fiesta @Kallang Sea Sports Club (8.30am) S$15 per pax, inclusive of light refreshment and souvenir + a chance to make new friends!

17th Dec 2006 (Sun) - Amazing Race 2006 @ECP (morning till early afternoon) - Open & Family Category, great prizes to be won! For registration fees & details, pls contact us :)

For more information (or if you wana join us/ help out for any of the events), please email to: / or you can drop me a comment!