Thursday, January 4, 2007

New Year Resolutions 2007

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Swedish ship : East Indiaman Götheborg

I don't tink I had any new year resolutions last year.

I tink I should have some this year. new year resolutions are....

1. To get a driving licence. (No, I won't get a car. yet.)
2. To complete the editing of my actual day wedding video. (yah, it's still un-edited)
3. To develop prints of all my digital photos and to arrange them into albums and then to arrange the albums properly in my cupboard. (this is tough..)
4. To have at least $20K in our joint savings account. (hubbie will put his heart and soul into helping me with this one)
5. To lose at least 5kg by june, and 3kg more by end of 2007. (based on weight taken on 1st day of 2007, after the great xmas and new year makan sessions)
6. To take part in the stanchart 10km run and run under an hour. ( farnie :D)
7. To eat more fruits, drink more water.
8. To make full use of my sanyo video cam, at least produce 4 videos in 2007. (Me no Jack Neo)
9. To accompany my parents to their medical checkups. (I will need their cooperation to let me know the dates of their checkups, they alwis refuse to tell me!)


  1. hie!u sure pass ur driving lisence de!=)

    Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!Cheh!jia you!!=D

    U can sure pass de.U noe why?Cos i have juz given u my SUPPORT by typing Cheh!jia you!!
    Hahahas..So dun dissapoint everyone!=D

    Wish ur 2007 resolution will be accomplished ya!=))

  2. can you help me with my last resolution?

  3. dotz...ppl write so much and then u juz reply with 8 letters.....zzzz
