Thursday, March 13, 2008

My first little post!

Yo everyone!!!!

I'm YUYAN also known as little fishball by my daddy, mummy and their friends...
As you can see from the picture above, I m very HIP ;)

Mummy is helping me to type all these out as I narrate with my babbling baby language (only comprehended by mummy).

I was born on 29 Sept 2007, 3.04pm. My last meal in mummy's tummy was Peking Duck Pizza from California Pizza Kitchen before mummy started feeling 'temors' in her tummy..

Before I babble on how I 'arrived', I would like to narrate how mummy first discovered she was preggie with me ;)

Mummy's pregnant with me!

Mummy knew something was happening to her body but she wasn't sure...

Her thailand trip with the gals was terrible for her becoz of her traveller's tummy condition...

After the trip, she continued to have loose stools...she was tinking that something is happening to her body...

Mummy's fungal infection came back and she was waiting for her menses to come to offer some relief...

But it did not was late for the first time, at least for 4 days...

Could she be...? she thought, cannot be leh, no symptoms leh...and loose stools is not definitely not a symptom!

There was a YEC meeting tonight... She left office early to do some grocery-shopping as she plan to cook Japanese curry with roti prata for daddy.

Something else (me!) was tugging in her mind, she caved in to her mind and scooted over to Guardian Pharmacy to get a pregnancy test kit.

She reached home, feeling really hungry, started to prepare the ingredients for the curry...

she had forgotten about the test kit...

Daddy reached home before she could start cooking....

He took over the chopping board and she went to take a bath..then she remembered the kit....

She showed Daddy what she had bought, his eyes lighted up.

"Test now!.. right after you bathe..."

"Ok...dun be disappointed if the results is not what you expected, k?"

She brought a plastic medicine container and the kit into the bathroom.

After bathing, she peed into the container...using the provided dropper, she collected a few drops of urine...

Putting the test kit on the table, she brought the dropper over it and squeeze the dropper...with daddy's eyes nver leaving the kit...

Then to their surprise, they saw a positive sign on the test kit!!!

Suddenly, they were stumped for words for at least a few seconds....It took a while to sink in..that they are going to have ME!

They started babbling about when and how did it happen. (its funny when they talked non-stop) They planned to have me this year after Mummy passes her driving test, but they did not expect me to pop out so soon!

They also tried to calculate and second-guess my due date...

I'm going to be a libra, like Daddy and a little golden piggy like grandpa!

Daddy and Mummy were excited but a bit apprehensive about the preg kit test. Daddy even stopped his cooking and ran down to buy another more expensive test kit from clearblue.

Tested again, positive again! :D Can't deny my existence!

They were elated and excited to inform my grandparents..

Mummy called my grandmummy and told her the news. My little auntie and granddaddy got wind of their conversation.

Daddy stopped short of informing his parents. He thought it would be better if they could confirm my existence with the gynae before informing his parents.

Daddy decided to cook something simple and more nutritious instead of curry as they were too excited to even have dinner.

They decided not to tell anyone until after 3 months, after I m stabilised in mummy's womb.

Daddy and mummy could barely contain their excitement!
To be continued.....

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