Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm back!.... with a little fishball in tow!

Ok, it's been a while since I update my blog...its been like about a year?

A lot of good stuff happened within this long period...It's hard for me to now recall every single one...

Looking back at 2007, I did not fulfil all my resolutions except for one...and that was to get a driving licence...

Btw, I no longer need to put my 'P' plate ... ha!

Something happened in my life and because of that, I threw my new year resolutions aside and started my life journey differently...

That something that happened was the most wonderful thing i have ever was the arrival of lil' fishball...

My baby gal.

I have actually started a blog about her when I discovered I was pregnant but did not get around updating it.... and I tink that it's a chore to have two blogs (I can't even manage one!)

So...I m going to create an user ID for her so that she can post her OWN entries...

just use your imagination lah! that my baby gal aka lil' fishball is updating her own entries while she was in my womb, when she's out....

let's welcome lil' fishball!

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