Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Some of ShuPing's Secrets unknown.

Although I won't be able to share my little secrets with any new guy,
but it's good to share some of it with some friends who care.

Below are really touch-wood scenario, of cos.
Who noes, one will grow old n ill one day.
But I never really share my inner words with friends before.

If one day, should there be any accident befall on me resulting in hospitaliation, do bring me a radio n tune it to 933 for me. Cos i really love listening updated music. Even if I'm in coma.

If one day, should there be any natural reason where I have to leave the world, burn me a camera for me to continuing with photo taking mah... And I really hope my 2nd big brother to occupy my bedroom n laptop actually. Karaoke discs of cos can go to my youngest bro...

And I really really feel happy and lucky to meet good ppl, good mum ard me since the day I was born. If it would be my last words to say...

Of cos, all these years, a taboo phase that always come to my mind yet never spoken,

"Wat really lies on the other side of the world? Or do I just vanished like tt?"

No one will give me that answer.

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