Friday, March 14, 2008

Prelude to my first cry

When I was in mummy's tummy, I made mummy craved for fries, watermelon and beehoon cooked with pig trotters.

Mummy has no morning sickness, no constipation when she was carrying me ;)

However, I did give her a bit of backache when I got a bit heavy in the 3rd trimester.

While in her tummy, I got the opportunity to travel to thailand, hongkong and xiamen. Mummy played a lot of mahjong when i was in her tummy and daddy, mummy joked that when i came out, i would respond to the words 'Pong' and 'Hu'.

Dr Jocelyn Wong from ACJ, TMC is my mummy's gynae. She is a pretty and gentle lady. Mummy loves going to her clinic as she could get to see me bobbing in the scan.

Mummy has intended to induce me on Monday, 1 Oct 2007, Children's Day since there were absolutely no signs of me coming out since her maternity leave (from 24 Sept 07).

I guess I wanted my own birthday and decided to come out on my EDD, 29 Sept instead ;)

My first be continued....

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